Wednesday 3 October 2012

Research: Reflection on progress

I think my blogging is coming along very well i am keeping up to date with the blogging tasks i have been given. i think that i am using many creative ways to blog. my 3 best entries are Music industry, Laura Mulvey and Technical skills. i am pleased with music industry blog as i used ICT skills which was Prezi to create it. it makes the blog more visual and active. I included many great information and shows great research and effort,.Laura Mulvey blog i myself think it is very well presented. for this one i used ICT skills which was to make a video out of a power point presentation which has many transitions and animation effects. this makes the blog interesting to watch and very presentable. i also explained her points very well and gave great examples and pictures to back my points. I like technical skills as i felt it was could comparing new skills i gained and showing them.

three things of improvement: more ICT skills such as use photo bucket, add more blogs which are not on the task list, spend more time on blogs and meeting the deadline.

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