Monday 8 October 2012

PLANNING - Our Artist > Ray Jones

This is Nimar Uddin who will be playing as Ray Jones, our upcoming new artist. 
In the image above Nimar has taken a picture with a guitar which is our main prop, that relates to him and gives a personal meaning to his music.


Discussing our ideas and suggestions as a group, we have come to a conclusion that our artist should belong to indie pop genre. Because through the analysis of Ed Sheeran, we thought we could create a similar artist to him. Ray Jones is out there to show his true character to his audience, so they get to know him as a person rather than just a typical artist. Also I thought that to create a young audience for the artist, he should relate himself to the audience with his music and appearance. However, an older audience might not be fond of his music but would respect his image, because he is trying to promote his music through his natural talents rather than impress the audience with his appearance.

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