Sunday 7 October 2012

Research-Music Video Analysis

The video to analys is I"ts not fair" by Lily Allen.
This video is very simple, and does as I believe, what it needs to be done, which is promote the artist and the song. It has clear narrative, which is continues, it is a conecert in a t.v. show therefore is difficult to catalog in one of the three Goodwin's types of music videos.

This music video is all about the artist and her style. The use of many close ups showing her face make the audience identify the artist. The eye contact put her in a position of power and also is engaging the audience
 During transations between shots, in several ocations we can contiune watching the artist face, this is very useful to keep the image of the artist up. The music video is also edited with the beat of the song.

 In the video the artist also is showed at some points fragile but sexy to appeal male audience. One of the reason of this is because the song would appeal more to the female audience and the male audience without the artist showed this way.

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