Friday 5 October 2012

Reflection on Progress

I believe my blogging is coming along very well. I have been using a lot of technologies to present my research, such as Prezi, Photobucket, screen shots and pictures, videos, etc. I am also including analysis that are quite in depth and doing extra research apart from the tasks the teachers set us. I believe that my blog entries show my understanding about what I learned

The three blog entries that I am most pleased with are:

Research - The Music Industry - in which I use a nice Prezi presentation to break down information and  give some key details about the Music Industry in a summarised way. I have used important information that is very relevant to the music industry, like talking about the new digital area and the changes it has caused to the Music Industry, and I believe it is a sustained presentation because I include different areas od the music industry (distribution, production, exchange), examples, statistics, explanation about the differences between independent and major labels,  and I explain the effect that has on music videos.
Research - Music video analysis - in which I give very detailed analysis about a music video that I think is effective explaining its structure, genre, background, audience, aspects of mise en scene, camera work and editing using a powerpoint presentation with bullet points easy to read and screen shots from the music video exemplifying my analysis. I have used a lot of my media analytical skills in this blog task because I identify many different media areas in the music video, including representation, the meaning of certain types of shots or props, function, what the artist is trying to convey, how it appeals to the audience and sticks to the genre, intertextuality, what responses it may cause in the viewer, etc.
Research - Favourite previous student video - in which I have done a vlog analysing various aspects of my favourite previous student video, illustrating my analysis with examples of the video (either screen shots or an extract from the video). I analysed the video in most of its aspects, talking about mise en scene, camera work, editing, theories applied and I pick effective examples from the music video.

One thing that I think I could improve in my blogging is to try and be more succinct and avoid presenting long paragraphs that may be tiring to read. I can also help my writing to become less tiring by keep using technologies when presenting my blogs. Another target that I need to set to myself is to do more extra research and present it in the blog. Many times I do research but I end up not blogging about it. I should start blogging more and make sure that my blogs are detailed enough.

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