Sunday 21 October 2012

Research-Reflection on Progress

During the reasearch for the music video I feel that I am blogging just enough but I could blog much more about extra things and not just from the blogging check list. My research has been good I feel like I have learnt everything I need to produce a effective to promote music video.

From my research posts I am very pleased with these ones :

1.Research- Structure of the record Industry.;postID=1163462632589083029

During the procces of blog about the structure of the music industry I learned a lot about how the music industry is managed, and what my artist need to be consider a real artist for this very competitive world.

2. Research-How music industry uses social Networking sites;postID=6338632221403972064

During the making of this post I leaned how important the use of social networking is to promote an aritst, and how could be use in a useful way.

3. Research-Andrew Goodwin-The structure of a Music Video;postID=2085684824855202670

Thanks to this blog I understood the different kinds of music videos, givinge me the right knowledge to prapare a good planning for my artist music video.
To  have better blog I have found two aspects that I need to improve.
1. The use of ICT:  During the research step, I stayed with the classics, images and videos but from now on I have to start to use different presentation tools like prezi.

2. Extra blogs: I have not post many extra blogs, almost all my posts are from the check list and I need to have my own posts.

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