Saturday 20 October 2012

PLANNING - Mise-en-scene of music video

Central London
  • Tottenham Court Road: At Morwell Street  - filming Nimar sitting down on the pavement, walking towards the camera as well as away from the camera.      

  • Westminister - Taking various shots around this area. Such as London's famous landmarks: Big Ben, London Eye etc.  

 Nimar's outfit will be casual wear. The reason for this is that we are aiming to avoid the use of bright coloured clothing, as we want cold colours such as black, blue and grey  to represent the loneliness through his feelings. Also hopefully it will illustrate the song lyrcs too.

We will be asking friends, families and the music department too if we could borrow a guitar. We're hoping it would be a wooden guitar which is similar to the guitar Ed Sheeran uses. The purpose of using a guitar is that it will be the MAIN prop, which would be the artists 'personal momento' Also the guitar is something that our artist uses to express his feelings with the tune he plays and the song he sings. 


Low key lighting and high key lighting shall be featured in the music video.
The lighting would depend on the time of day. So for low key lighting shots, we will be shooting in the evening from possibly five o'clock onwards. This is because we can achieve lovely night shots, because of the lights in the city. High key lighting would be obviously featured in the daylight footage.

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