Friday 5 October 2012

Planning - Ideas for the music video

In today's lesson we started to plan our music video. Here follows what we are planning to  include in our music video:

• 3 base tracks:
1- sitting in the pavement.
2- on a rooftop with the city in the background at night.
3- walking in the street and singing.

• A kind of 'narrative' - we will have Ray Jones singing the lyrics and another person to be a 'character'. We do not want to draw too much attention away from the singer therefore it is just a simple narrative just to make it a bit more engaging to watch. We will have a male character new in London who will be wondering around quite lost (trying to portray the lyrics). Singer might be observing character in some scenes and there is a point where they meet. As the song develops and talk about 'accepting London as his home' we want something good to happen to the character, therefore we might make him meet a girl.

• Locations:
London Eye, London Bridge, Big Ben to establish the city.
Buckingham Palace (to show the character as a tourist).
Rooftop options - we will see if we can film either in Dalston Square or Selfridges.
A street with not a lot of movement.

• Editing:
Jump cuts
Fast motion (people walking, traffic)
Split screen (three shots in one frame establishing the city)

Additional idea - we think that it would be nice to have some shots in the rain because it suits the mood of the song, however we have to be careful with this idea because it might be a risk for the equipment. We also think it would be good to implement a guitar as a prop.

We have booked the equipment to film over half term from October 26th to November 1st.

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