Monday 22 October 2012

Planning - Editing

I am looking at some types of editing which I think might be relevant to our music video since it could work well with either genre or rhythm.

The editing used at 1:10 - 1:15 in this music video in which the action is played backwards and then forwards again could work with the beat of our song which has a quite bouncy and repetitive drums and guitar in the background throughout most of the song.

In this music video by the original artist, at 2:27- 2:33 there is the use of split screen which I believe could establish some city scenes and emphasise the bigness and business of the city in a more engaging way.

This is a music video which uses jump cuts in a quite effective way, as for example at 0:09 - 0:12 and I believe that jump cuts not only go with our genre (indie pop) as it goes well with the beat of our song, again because of the bouncy and repetitive drums and guitar.

The type of editing used at 3:58 - 4:06 which is a cross dissolve, could work with the idea of our song having a sad rhythm (like the piano and the melody) and connotations of loneliness, as I believe dissolves often look quite dramatic and soft which could add to this atmosphere of our song.

In the beginning of this music video, at 0:00 - 0:07 there is the cut between shots of the same scene but from a slight different perspective that are edited together with the beat and although they are not jump cuts they give kind of the same feel of jump cuts. And as I mentioned before, I believe it could work well with the beat of our song and it can even make the artist's action look more dramatic. 

In this music video there are some flashing shots between the story and the artists performance in which we see distorted lights of cars in fast motion. Examples of this can be seen at 0:56 - 0:57, 2:17, 3:21 - 3:22. We are already planning to use some fast motion of traffic and cars at night, but this could be another idea, to have moving shots of lights and cars and then use them in the same way, which I believe could work quite well for the building of the climax in our music video. 

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