Sunday 21 October 2012

Shooting Plan

Following our Animatic, we tested our shots last lesson, trying to see if what we were looking to achieve is viable and if those shots would have a good visual impact in the music video. I would be the cameraman I was very pleased with the results of the test session.

In the animatic was in a long shot but as he would walk towards the camera we decided that would be much more effective in order to promote the artist if this base track is in medium close up.

We left the same kind of shot for this base track  We tough that is very useful and achieve what we are looking for which is the promotion of the artist.

The roof shot has to be changed because we did not get a permission from any building to film on the roof but we have found a high place to shoot. The shot will stay as a large medium close up because allow us to see the background(the city) and the artist.
These shots would be accompanied with long shots of the artist and the background to give a different sense, but we will leave the base tracks being close up and medium close ups because this allow us to achieve our main goal which is promote the artist.  

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